S7 with apical lobes not parallel-sided, much broader apically (apex about twice as broad as base),
retrorse section of apex not comma-shaped; gonostylus more robust in profile, about same width across its length, basally not protuberant on medial margin in dorsal view (Peru).
This genus bears superficial resemblance to morphological features of Pissonotus, such as the compressed aedeagus, ventroposteriorly curved with
retrorse spines, the weak unarmed diaphragma and the long paired processes on segment 10.
Petals concave, oblique, ovate-elliptic, obtuse, shortly ciliate, the hairs
retrorse, shortly pilose on the inner surface but more densely toward the basal third, translucent, 1-veined, 2.2-2.3 x 1-1.3 mm.
Chelal teeth evenly spaced: fixed finger with 32-37 ([male][female]) slightly
retrorse teeth, margins triangular, not arcuate; movable finger with 21-25 ([male] [female]) low, rounded teeth, plus two small upraised distal teeth.
Mouth slightly oblique, lower jaw projecting about 1 mm in front of upper lip; maxilla reaching vertical at rear edge of orbit; lower jaw with band of minute slender teeth, band widening anteriorly, with small conical tooth projecting dorsolaterally on each side at front of lower jaw, followed by large, curved,
retrorse canine posterior to the smaller conical tooth at front of jaw.
Stems erect at base; rachis of raceme with
retrorse trichomes; Argentina 20 20(19).
Both rostral and nasal spines are well-developed,
retrorse and elevated.
1 mm wide at base, the basal ones 3-10 mm apart, antrorse (upper ones) to
retrorse (basal ones) uncinate; fascicles 7 to 11 in number, polystichously arranged, suberect, sessile, globose-capitate, strobilate, densely rosulate, 12-15 mm long (excluding the petals), 14-17 mm in diameter, 7 to 12-flowered; floral bracts broadly triangular-ovate, acuminate, slightly carinate toward the apex, equaling to slightly shorter than the sepals, but recurved and distinctly exposing them, green, nerved, inconspicuously and sparsely white-lepidote but soon glabrous, 10-13 x 8-10 mm, subdensely spinulose, spines irregularly curved, 0.5-1 mm long.
shorter to much longer than achene, smooth or with
retrorse, acute teeth), embryo of the Carex-type (vs.
albinae; median dorsal carina from slightly elevated to almost obsolete, lateral carinae absent; anterior margin evenly rounded to almost straight, posterior margin either rounded or slightly angulate in different species; prosternal tubercle spiniform, slightly
retrorse. Tegmina and wings from well-developed and reaching or surpassing end of abdomen, to reduced to a variable extent, this more frequently in females than in males.
4 cm in diameter (including floral bracts); floral bracts narrowly subtriangularovate, apex acuminate, distinctly canaliculate, navicular, strongly recurved, slightly exceeding the petals, greenish-yellow toward base and yellow-green near the apex and margins, thin in texture, abaxially densely to subdensely white-lepidote, nerved, adaxially inconspicuously and sparsely white-lepidote to glabrous, 25-29 x 10-13 mm, the basal ones ecarinate, the upper ones obtusely if at all carinate, margins subdensely to laxly spinose, spines narrowly triangular to acicular, prevailing
retrorse, uncinate, pale yellowish-castaneous, 0.5-1.5 mm long, 2-5 mm apart.
Perianth bristles 6, some of them longer than the achene, reddish or stramineous at the base, curved, finely and irregularly ciliatebarbate, the barbules divergent to slightly ascendant on the upper part of the bristle and slightly
retrorse at the lower part.
Subdistal segments of posterior branch of ray 4 bearing thorn-like spines; two halves of posterior branch separated; 13-16 large unicuspid
retrorse serrae on right half of ray 4, diminishing in size anteriorly; 9 or 10 serrae on left half of ray 4, smaller anteriorly and a few bicuspid (two-horned processes) proximally.
and spiniform in Zoniopoda, in Diponthus compressed and