resistance unit

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the reciprocal of conductance

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Laurent Poirel and Patricia Nordmann are microbiologists in the Emerging Antibiotic Resistance Unit, Department of Medical and Molecular Microbiology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Science, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
The design of the circuit based on the principles of equivalent quantities System Units Model Units Pressure mmHg Voltage V Flow ml/s=[cm.sup.3]/s Current A Volume ml=[cm.sup.3] Charge C=A.s Resistance mmHg.s/ml=HRU Resistance Ohm Compliance ml/mmHg=HCU Capacitance F=A.s/V Inertance mmHg.[s.sup.2]/ml/HIU Inductance H=V.s/A HCU--Hydraulic capacitance unit, HIU--Hydraulic inductance unit, HRU--Hydraulic resistance unit Table 2.
These 1 [ohm] Thomas-type standards [9, 10] proved to be quite stable with time, and quickly came into favor as the primary reference for maintaining the resistance unit at NBS and at many other NMIs (see Fig.
Lindgren, Antimicrobial Resistance Unit, National Institute of Health and Welfare, Kiinamyllynkatu 13, 20520 Turku, Finland; email: Table.
Frye and associates in the Bacterial Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Resistance Unit in Athens, Georgia, also use microarray technology to track resistant bacteria in samples collected from animals on the farm or in slaughter facilities.
meningitidis were directly submitted at -20[degrees]C to the Antibiotic Resistance Unit in National Institute of Health Dr.
He and Willis are in the ARS Plant Disease Resistance Unit.
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