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Synonyms for relieved

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for relieved

(of pain or sorrow) made easier to bear

Related Words

extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Albayalde is yet to announce the replacement of the two relieved top police officials of Metro Manila.
Sherin Naz, Additional Collector, Jhelum has been posted as Additional Collector Chakwal vice Umar Jahangir relieved.
It would make sense if working parents were more likely than other parents to be relieved, because the former wouldn't have to worry as much about child-care arrangements.
7-CAPT John Camuso relieved CAPT Phil Valenti as Commanding Officer of FISCSI in a change of command ceremony.
The relieved die contours and the extruder head are shown in figure 10.
This type of pain is present after activity, but is absent by the time of the next day's workout or is relieved by warm-up.
In one study of 200 people with arthritis of the knees, glucosamine matched the popular painkiller ibuprofen, the active ingredient in Advil and Motrin.[2] Each relieved symptoms in about half of the 100 people who took it.
After three acupuncture therapies, she says, her father's symptoms were relieved. Then, in 1995, Reynolds underwent cancer surgery, but says her symptoms returned shortly thereafter.
Further, teaming the PCP with a new breed of well-trained and dedicated physician assistants and nurse practitioners will give the PCP more time to concentrate on the more difficult cases and to be relieved of the mundane.
The patient may then experience severe distress, which can be relieved with narcotics, but the narcotics may also hasten the patient's death by depressing respiration.
Calculations suggest that the Odawara quake relieved much more stress than an average earthquake of similar magnitude.
It is then retested, and any shift in harmonic frequency indicates stresses have been relieved. This process is repeated until no frequency shift occurs (indicating no additional benefit) to determine the length of processing required.
Though your troublesome symptoms may be relieved by a change in dietary habits or appropriate exercises to increase muscle tone, your doctor may want to perform tests to ensure that your symptoms are not caused by abnormalities in your digestive tract.
Twenty police officers including the chief of police of Rodriguez, Rizal were relieved from their posts as a result of the death of a minor allegedly used by his father, a drug suspect, as a human shield in a bloody buy-bust operation.
The battalion commander of the Army's 87th Infantry Battalion has been relieved of his position in the aftermath of the misencounter that took place in Samar which left six policemen killed.