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Synonyms for relativize

consider or treat as relative

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The construction of intercultural / relativized view concerns seeing and hearing the other, considering the cultural, experiential and social aspects underpinning the disease process and / or health need felt by the individual (17).
Statements about reference have to be "relativized to" background languages, being couched in a background language and construed as proposals for translating terms into the background language.
Were there not many Roman Catholics after them who similarly relativized doctrine and harbored capitalistic inclinations?
Accepting Kuhnian theory of scientific paradigm and a relativized and dynamic Kantian a priori, Friedman instead proposes a more complex system, characterized by three levels:
thereby allowing it to be relativized. Note the following two examples: e=me=ni(n) tasp=i 'alli [.sup.d]Lubadaga=s tasp=o=en The one who destroys (the temple), may Lubadaga destroy that one!
Without universalizing rationalism to ground us, we experience the sense of a "broken whole," in which moral claims are relativized and rendered meaningless.
pronoun-retention; both discuss what constituents can be relativized. Glinert goes into much greater depth on the whole matter of relativization than CB and arrives at some hypotheses concerning the choice between the two strategies, citing differences in register and processing considerations as determining which strategy will be used (p.
A lot of dirty politics were involved in defining the creeds, in explaining their meaning, and still more in applying their authority, but this is the history with which God has chosen to lead a confused people toward at least a degree of understanding of certain dangers and things not to say if we are to remain faithful." (14) That final caveat notwithstanding, it seems unmistakably clear that Yoder relativized the standard formulas of Nicea and Chalcedon, as well as for the Trinity.
"From this perspective, the Bishop's responsibility to indicate the destructive presence of sin is readily understood as a service of hope: it strengthens believers to avoid evil and to embrace the perfection of love and the plenitude of Christian life." Here he returned to the overall theme of the split between culture and Christianity: "Where God is excluded from the public forum, the sense of offence against God-the true sense of sin--dissipates, just as when the absolute value of moral norms is relativized the categories of good or evil vanish, along with individual responsibility."
On the contrary, when we see life constantly relativized by death, we can enjoy it for what it is: a free gift.
Twenty-five variables, relativized, respectively, per capita or commune area, were considered (five in each group): economy, social and technical infrastructures, the protection of the natural environment, and demography.
To be sure, Strauss criticizes the way democracy is practiced; he does not suggest we abandon it, however, but rather work to ensure that it is not relativized and co-opted to devolve into a system devoid of discernible cultural and moral values.
Our own problems become relativized. And in the best of cases, we begin to see new possibilities.
I begin by reconstructing Foucault's accounts of the relationship between subjectivity and power in modernity and in antiquity, and argue that they are not contradictory insofar as they are relativized to different historical periods.
Relativized mission won't do; the church mustinvite, not compel (Tomko).