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adjthe revival of an unfortunate situation after a period of abatement

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References in periodicals archive ?
Month n Regressed Recrudescent Spermiogenesis May 2 0 0 2 June 6 0 0 6 July 1 0 0 1 August 5 2 0 3 September 1 0 0 1 October 3 1 0 2 November 1 1 0 0 Table 2.
"IVIG non responder" was defined as a persistent fever lasting >24 h after the completion of IVIG or a recrudescent fever associated with KD symptoms after an afebrile period.
Injection of a long-acting intramuscular depot of an antimalarial drug in an oil-vehicle may provide a better means of improving prophylaxis adherence, which, in turn, will decrease new malaria infections and reduce the rates of hospitalization due to recrudescent infections.
Park, "Recrudescent tobacco exposure following heart transplantation: clinical profiles and relationship with athero-thrombosis risk markers," American Journal of Transplantation, vol.
Lazy, dynamic or minimally recrudescent? On the elusive nature and location of the mycobacterium responsible for latent tuberculosis.
sovereignty were never held in abeyance, and to forestall recrudescent
recrudescent. Those who support the former idea, as is indicated by the
Corneal herpes simplex virus type 1 superinfection in patients with recrudescent herpetic keratitis.
Emergency action is essential to demonstrate Western resolve in the face of Moscow's recrudescent nationalism.
Patient 4 eventually developed a perforated ulcer; thus a patch graft with a glycerol-preserved cornea was performed and no recrudescent infection developed.
borderland sectarianism, together with its recrudescent discourse of
In areas of intense transmission, mspl, mspl and glurp have proved very polymorphic and highly effective in discriminating recrudescent from re-infecting alleles (4).
In recrudescent lesions, relapse was often seen after 4 to 6 months and usually in a marginal region of the site treated.
Reactivation Tuberculosis: Also known as chronic TB, postprimary disease, recrudescent TB, endogenous reinfection, and adult type progressive TB.
The Arab delegations discussed steps to counter the recrudescent Israeli assaults on the Islamic and Christian religious shrines in occupied Jerusalem.