I used both their names without scruple; and I wrote my
recommendation in terms which the best of living women and the ablest of existing dressmakers could never have hoped to merit.
Through the
recommendation of York, I was bought by the master of the livery stables.
It might even have occurred to them, that where a disposition to cavil prevailed, their neglect to execute the degree of power vested in them, and still more their
recommendation of any measure whatever, not warranted by their commission, would not less excite animadversion, than a
recommendation at once of a measure fully commensurate to the national exigencies.
In the letter from his parents was enclosed a letter of
recommendation to Bagration which the old countess at Anna Mikhaylovna's advice had obtained through an acquaintance and sent to her son, asking him to take it to its destination and make use of it.
The consequence of this is, that though in theory their resolutions concerning those objects are laws, constitutionally binding on the members of the Union, yet in practice they are mere
recommendations which the States observe or disregard at their option.
The worthy Cropoli, after these
recommendations, had only sufficient time to point out to his young successor a chimney, under the slab of which he had hidden a thousand ten-franc pieces, and then expired.
His manners were an immediate
recommendation; and on conversing with him she found the solid so fully supporting the superficial, that she was at first, as she told Anne, almost ready to exclaim, "Can this be Mr Elliot?" and could not seriously picture to herself a more agreeable or estimable man.
Riley very severely for giving a
recommendation on such slight grounds, I must say you are rather hard upon him.
His majesty having often pressed me to accept some employment in his court, and finding me absolutely determined to return to my native country, was pleased to give me his license to depart; and honoured me with a letter of
recommendation, under his own hand, to the Emperor of Japan.
Bingley had not been or age two years, when he was tempted by an accidental
recommendation to look at Netherfield House.
Diavolo!" he exclaimed, "I forgot the
recommendation of De Comminges, who advised me to take a guard and place it at this door, in order not to put myself at the mercy of that four-headed combination of devils." And with a movement of impatience he turned to retrace his steps.
He had actually so far extinguished the natural noble Sensibility of her Heart, as to prevail on her to accept an offer from a young Man of his
Recommendation. They were to be married in a few months, and Graham, was in the House when we arrived.
But it is a great
recommendation to know how to command as well as to obey; and to do both these things well is the virtue of an accomplished citizen.
His pleasing manners and good sense were self-evident
recommendations; and having never heard evil of him, it was not their way to suppose any evil could be told.
Though too shy to answer the advertisements which demanded a personal application, he replied to those which asked for letters; but he had no experience to state and no
recommendations: he was conscious that neither his German nor his French was commercial; he was ignorant of the terms used in business; he knew neither shorthand nor typewriting.