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Related to reccy: reconnoitering, recce
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Synonyms for reccy

nounreconnaissance (by shortening)

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Amy's management were on site at Hyde Park at lunchtime doing a reccy of the area.
The weather was so bad that we couldn't get down to armed reccy and we were all glad of that.
``Once the decision as to the restaurant is made, make a reccy of the place and pick up a samplemenu.
roll, but rather this than life with Posh and Becks, and the priceless scene as Hills accompanies Robbie's ex-army security boys as they reccy a pitch for his game of footie is pure Spinal Tap.
The two of them intend a brief reconnaissance ("reccy") into the middle of nowhere and then a deft return with the usual password uttered, Albion or Lloyd-Lloyd, or Beecham's.
THE Real Marigold On Tour, billed as a retirement reccy for famous pensioners, returned to BBC One on Wednesday in all its glory.
Detective Chief Inspector Paul Knox said: "The CCTV clearly shows that this crime involved a degree of sophistication, the two offenders can be clearly seen carrying out a reccy of the area.
The 28-year-old from Hemlington was told her cat had been repeatedly kicked by three teenage boys and attacked by two dogs on the "reccy" field next to the Recreation Centre on Cass House Road.
If you are one of the millions of people expected to view properties over the Easter weekend, don't put in that offer until you've done a thorough reccy to make sure there's no nasties lurking that could turn into a costly nightmare.
He said: "When we did our reccy a fortnight ago I had real concerns about the safety and welfare of our fans in that away end.
``But he certainly knows a few of the short cuts to take - I mean only during our pre-rally reccy, of course.''
SPEEDWAY: Glasgow star Coty Garcia is hoping his reccy missions to rivals' tracks will pay off when his side travel to Edinburgh tonight for their KO Cup quarter-final first leg.
"It was dry for the reccy and I was feeling quite confident.