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Synonyms for readapt

adapt anew

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adjust anew


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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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She asked for her hospitalization in order to "readapt her treatment, renew her motivation, and reduce the feeling of weariness".
In Canada, recent immigrants who own the intersections of these elements often endure complex and stressful migration journeys and struggle to readapt to new relationships and to establish identities as a result of multiple institutional barriers and shifting gender and generational roles in the family (Guo 2013, 2015).
It's what everybody goes through when you come back to Earth's atmosphere and your body has to readapt."
In the meantime, Veldman's team will consult with the community to brainstorm on how best to readapt the 100-year-old industrial property.
Due to all of this as well as due to the growing influence of domestic factors and business circles, diplomats have to readapt. Good diplomats know how to bring their countries closer to others but also ensure that their fellow citizens perceive other countries just as favorably and friendly.
The legs will be freely given to partnering mobility units in Banjul (Gambia) and Dakar (Senegal), which have; the facilities and expertise to readapt them to fit their amputee recipient at no cost.
The homecoming plot accompanies and echoes Persuasions romantic plot; while the novel's satiric episodes are most concerned with the proper social positions of naval officers, the homecoming plot establishes whether, and how, those individuals will be able to readapt themselves to domestic life.
The company's management decided to readapt and use the hall of "Kikoteks" for launch of the production.
Evidently, this intervention must be complemented with psychological counseling to the families about how to readapt to the new situation.
The animal rights group also found that civets were generally caged for a maximum of three years before being released back into the wild, where some of them failed to readapt and died.