raffia palm

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Synonyms for raffia palm

a large feather palm of Africa and Madagascar having very long pinnatisect fronds yielding a strong commercially important fiber from its leafstalks

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References in periodicals archive ?
The raffia sap used in this study was obtained from raffia palm plantations located at Apeadu in the Ashanti region of Ghana.
Ugbali is a tool made of two or three twisted raffia palm string (ekwele or ekwere) which, when rolled on the surface of the pot, creates a repeated pattern during the leather-hard stage (Ebebe, 1978:29, Ochi, 1971:18, Ezeagwaghi, 1994:67).
Sitting outside the gates of a Gambian nature reserve, a crowd of dancing, singing, clapping villagers--led by a "hunting spirit" wearing horns on his head and covered in gourds, snail shells, strips of raffia palm, and ripped plastic and burlap bags from head to knee--parades past, begging money from all the nearby compounds for their football team.
At almost every step another variety was shaking its distinctive foliage in my direction - elephant palm (so called because the base of the trunk resembles an elephant's foot), bottle palm, fishtail palm, sugar palm, raffia palm and the tallipot palm, which grows for between 40 and 60 years, flowers and then dies.
The opening chapter on Africa discuses the materials Africans used to cover themselves including, wool, silk, animal skin, bark cloth, bast fiber (from stems such as raffia palm), and cotton.