radioactive material

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material that is radioactive

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According to the report, an EU legislative proposal for harmonising procedures and administrative requirements for the transport of radioactive materials would appear to be "highly necessary and beneficial".
Mark Bradley, a specialist inspector in radioactive materials for the Health and Safety Executive said he was concerned about the effect on both Strand and Lynx workers.
The sensor would not only pick up radioactive materials, but it would also do it in an unobtrusive way.
The protection against theft of radioactive material is also said to be far too poor in Sweden.
Concerning the advocacy of alternative technologies that was raised in the Ferguson/Lubenau article, I would note that the NRC does not have regulatory authority to evaluate non-nuclear technologies or, as a general matter, to require applicants to propose and evaluate alternatives to radioactive material. Moreover, the evaluation may be significantly outside the scope of existing NRC expertise, given that the evaluation would need to consider, on a case-specific basis, not only the relative risks of the various non-nuclear technologies that could be applied, but also the potential benefits, including consideration of the societal benefits of using each technology.
Even crude and relatively low-level RDDs designed with more readily-obtainable radioactive material would meet a terrorist group's objective, particularly if that objective were to create panic, or to disrupt or close down airport operations.
'But technically, radioactive material like this can cause cancer.
The forest canopy initially intercepted most of the radioactive material. But it is now gradually being transferred to the soil, plants and fungi.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, Maryland, estimates that 2 million scrap sources containing varying levels of radioactive material exist, with only 27,000 of them specifically licensed.
This approach downplays risks to the sick, the elderly, the young, and those who are particularly sensitive because they are exposed to abnormal amounts of radioactive material through their work.
Or a freight train hitting a truck carrying radioactive material? The more radioactive material we use, the greater the risk.
On the sidelines of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting, Deputy Director-General of Kuwait's General Administration of Customs Adnan Al-Qadibi said that the step was within the national plan to prevent the illegal trade of radioactive materials. He stressed that his country was keen on following international rules and regulations concerning the trade of radioactive material, affirming it was part of Kuwait's national interest and security.
Summary: Lebanese authorities are investigating the source of a canister possibly containing radioactive material after it was discovered Tuesday on the shore near Beirut's southern suburb of Ouzai.
"Most people in West Texas, they don't realize that the oil companies use radioactive material everyday," said County Commissioner Precinct 2, Brad Young.
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