proportional sampling

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nounthe population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum

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References in periodicals archive ?
As obtaining composite samples is easier than proportional sampling, it is recommended the use of composite sampling as a feasible, inexpensive, and reliable option for determining milk composition on cows milked thrice or twice daily.
Conversely, if the rarest variants occurred in the largest groups, the proportional sampling identified the best core.
For equal-effort sampling and proportional sampling we simulated 3 ha sampling units, a size equivalent to a 100 m radius point count.
Thus, studies that use proportional sampling and find a positive relationship between a species' probability of occurrence and field size do not necessarily indicate that the species is area sensitive.
Thus, given a 25 ha field and a 50 ha field, proportional sampling of both fields would have a greater probability of detecting birds in the 50 ha field than in the 25 ha field.
The proportional sampling error tracks the generated population abundances much more closely than the constant CV sampling error (Fig.
Ideally, under the proportional sampling, the two lines in Figures 2a and 2b should coincide.
Example 1 represents a hypothetical case where proportional sampling was accomplished.
Example 1.--Hypothetical data showing proportional sampling results In unbiased estimate of days fished.
The model BG-3 utilizes a Caterpillar advanced patented dilution tunnel design and Sierra's flow apportionment, measurement and control system to execute proportional sampling effectively
The DLS-2300 flow control unit has two operational modes, proportional sampling and constant flow sampling.
The PTP-2000 system works on a proportional sampling technique, taking a measured sample of a partial exhaust gas flow from the overall exhaust gas stream.
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