The private industry sectors with the highest
propensities for workplace suicide were finance and insurance; professional, scientific and technical services; and health care and social assistance.
The more intangible, inseparable, heterogeneous, demand uncertain, complex, and important or sensitive the services were, the fewer the hospital managers and administrators'
propensities for outsourcing these services were; the more technological uncertainty, competitive status, and number of alternative suppliers the services had, the higher the hospital managers and administrators'
propensities for outsourcing were; the more contact with the final client the services had, the fewer the hospital managers and administrators'
propensities for outsourcing these services were; the zero-one rule was applied for drawing matrix to determine the features of the studied services.
These individuals had drives or
propensities related to instincts that arose millions of years earlier in the more ancient primates.
In order to validate whether the order profile
propensities can improve the performance of the HM-SVM based methods or not, two HM-SVM predictors with different features were constructed.
Hasegawa has shown that individual human IgG clones possess distinctive RB inducing
propensities that can surface differently under normal and abnormal cellular conditions.
More specifically, the marginal
propensities to spending national income and to consume , have sizes direct - which is not necessarily (and) linear - proportional to consumers (taxpayers) income level ; fiscal policy is thus a factor of prime importance, even for designing the pollution amplitude size.
An owner of a domestic animal who either knows or should have known of the animal's vicious
propensities will be held liable for the harm the animal causes as a result of those
General risk propensity measured through the GRP scale is found to be significantly correlated with openness, ambiguity tolerance, and three specific types of risk propensity, namely financial, gambling, and social risk
propensities. The GRP scale also achieves a reasonable degree of validity when used in explaining individuals' product innovation adoption decision.
Therefore, in the remainder of the article the estimation points in all three models will be referred to as "low," "low-to-medium," "medium," "medium-to-high," and "high." Approximately 75% of women in the sample have low and low-to-medium
propensities toward a high school pregnancy according to the propensity model without controls for expectations, and almost 85% of the women fall into the low and low-to-medium categories according to the propensity model with controls for expectations.
Chapter 2 considers his account of objectivity in science, and Chapter 3 his treatment of objective
propensities in natural philosophy.
Educators should be aware that students with either extremely high or low
propensities to trust may encounter difficulties during their team experiences since students with high dispositions to trust may lack a healthy skepticism while those with low dispositions to trust may make team development difficult, slow, or impossible.
From nine "financial signatures," or
propensities for fundamental financial strategies, Prince develops three different types of financial styles, which he labels Surplus, Puzzler and Deficit.
In that context, the concept of instinct is confused by its many definitions, from all behaviors present at birth to certain
propensities for sets of behaviors, such as the herding instinct in border collie.
not depend on the defendant's
propensities; virtually everyone