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Synonyms for profuse

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for profuse

growing profusely

given to or marked by unrestrained abundance

characterized by excessive or imprudent spending

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for profuse

produced or growing in extreme abundance

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Character Descriptor and code 1 Growth habit Erect (2), semi-erect (4) and prostrate (6) 2 Flower colour White (1), purple (2) and pink (3) 3 Stem colour Green (1), pink (2), violet (3) and purple (4) 4 Stem hairiness Glabrous (1), weak/sparse (3), medium (5) and profuse (7) 5 Petiole colour Green (1), pink (2), violet (3) and purple (4), 6 Petiole hairiness Glabrous (1), weak/sparse (3), medium (5) and profuse (7) 7 Leaf colour Dark green (1) and light green (2), 8 Leafhairiness Glabrous (1), weak/sparse (3), medium (5) and profuse (7) Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, 1995); numbers in brackets on the right-hand side are the corresponding descriptor codes listed in the FAO publication with modifications during the development of the list.
Using ProFuse to initially evaluate MRI images, radiologists can provide accurate mapping data about abnormalities, which can then be confirmed during a biopsy.
6 Very red, painful eye, halos around bright lights, profuse watering of the eye, especially with contact lenses.
We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are the manufacturer.
Bright pink-tinted blood, possibly bubbles (profuse): This is what we're all looking for and represents a heart or lung hit.
AN inquest into the death of a 53-year-old Nicosia woman who was undergoing brain surgery at a private hospital to remove a benign tumour has found indications of medical culpability, it emerged yesterday."Her death was due to heart failure caused by profuse haemorrhage stemming from injury to the Superior Sagittal Sinus (SSS, which runs through the centre of the brain), during the removal of the tumour," Judge Charalambos Charalambous said in his findings.
The Queen and Mrs Gul, accompanied by CM director Nisreen Haram, explored some of the new exhibits including the AoRed Sea WondersAo, which displays unique corals and profuse marine life inhabiting the reef
The authors studied electrolyte loss from profuse sweating in soccer-team players and evaluated the relationship between this source of iodine loss and iodine deficiency.
In general, low sodium levels in the bloodstream (medical term: hyponatremia, pronounced hypo-nuh-TREE-me-uh) may be linked to taking water pills, chronic diarrhea, kidney problems, or profuse sweating (medical term: hyperhidrosis).
Not only are they attractive, profuse long flowerers, they thrive in most soil conditions and are even shade and drought tolerant.
The move was welcomed by Weoley's Conservative councillor Peter Douglas Osborn, who said: "This is a major weapon in dealing with the profuse numbers of ugly adverts in the city, some of which make it look like an old Eastern Bloc capital.
PROFUSE embarrassment at Barnsley, where basic maths seems to cause major problems.
It would not disclose the nature of the complaints, but one of the complainants, Conservative Mid-Bedfordshire MP Nadine Dorries, described the show as a "production of profuse expletives".
One of the complainants, Conservative MP Nadine Dorries, described the show as a "production of profuse expletives".
One of the people who complained, Conservative Mid-Bedfordshire MP Nadine Dorries, described the show as a "production of profuse expletives".