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Synonyms for pricey

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for pricey

having a high price

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Pricey hit back by calling her "a vicious, jealous bully".
But as the fantastic fans who think so highly of him will attest, Pricey is a special fighter who is destined for the top and this will only make him stronger and more determined to get there when the time is right.
An onlooker said: "They were eyeing up some really pricey places.
PRICEY PANTS: Eunice Olumide models the bejewelled briefs
For his first New York show in two years, Grinnell presented a thirty-four-piece set of these cases, collectively titled Pied-a-terre, 2001-2002-aligning himself with the creation and advertising of exquisite and pricey commodities and the desires of a consumer population.
In another twisted outgrowth of the 1996 Telecom Act, a federal appeals court rules that the Federal Communications Commission erred in exempting advanced data services from the requirement that Bell companies sell their services "unbundled" from other pricey add-ons.
Anyone who gardens in moist soil risks losing prized (and pricey) plants as ravenous slugs feast away.
The second most pricey home - in Chelsea, West London - cost PS28million, Land Registry figures show.
It is quite pricey, more than the normal high street, but I really like them.
6 Novelty Crackers, pounds 8.96, Tesco (0800 505 5555) - feel substantial and tree decs are a bonus, but a bit pricey
Nifty, if pricey, add-ons like a digital camera, GPS navigation, even a barcode scanner.
* "Because the airport is so far (roughly 20 miles outside of the city), it can be a little pricey to take a cab.
"Wooster is less pricey than other streets in Soho, including Prince, Spring and Greene, but offers the same heavy customer traffic," noted Aquino.
Authentic Pulitzer bedding is pretty pricey, so Hayley's room borrowed from Lilly's playful palette of tropical prints--for less moolah!
It's a pretty pricey giveaway (retail value: approximately $100,000).