poetize the Great Squirrel Migration of 1811, when, inexplicably, tens of thousands of the critters left their treesome ways and scurried south from the upper Midwest, running headlong into the unforgiving Ohio River:
Here was no conflict involving a king and a prophet, no philosophical or moral conundrums to
poetize. It was the character and response to her fate of a clearly vibrant girl that most deeply affected Byron.
"You know, if you
poetize something, it becomes poetic." Back to square one.
Conversation, as a form of the poetic, which I claim has roots in an ontological foundation, provides the opportunity for educators and their students to speak themselves and the world in new ways through language that names and
poetizes "the experience of [their] world," which indicates that the art of conversation "leads to the formation of oneself and the other" (81).
This Holderlinian myth of the departure and return of the gods gets played out here as a way of thinking through what Heidegger will later call "the other beginning for thinking." In these lectures, Heidegger designates Holderlin as "the poet of poets" as well as "the poet of the Germans." He goes on to nominate him as "the founder of German being," calling him "the poet who first
poetizes the Germans." He speaks here of Holderlin as the one who prepares the Germans to become themselves, placing them in a special relationship to their Greek forebears as a way of uncovering their hidden identity.
Based on what we introduced above about the danger of art succumbing to the en-framing effects of the Ge-stell of technology, it is Heidegger's (1996) reading of Holderlin that allows us to legitimately re-think "art" in the sense that Holderlin's poetry "
poetizes more mysteriously" than other poets (18).
Can we say the poet
poetizes? When Stern
poetizes Soutine at poem's end as "a ripped-open Jew ...
Karr herself explains why she "prays and
Thus (and somewhat despite himself), Berryman veritably and passionately
poetizes the inexorable need for divine help.
As if to minimize the pain of such a conclusion, he
poetizes the inherent depravity of man's nature by likening it to a book in which is enclosed a rose "Puddled with shameful knowledge"(265).
The Muse sings delightful things (amoena) by the action of Templeuve [and] Binchois, [through] whom she
poetizes and sings,(84) with the participation (a parte) of Bouchain, Richard de Bellengues, Fabri, Floridi, Labri, and Jean Carbonnier, Pierre Fontaine, and Guillaume Ruby.