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Synonyms for play-box

a box for a child's toys and personal things (especially at a boarding school)

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
During the week there will be an exhibition in the tea rooms of the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Jordan Well, Coventry city centre, called Vision Y2K to show the contribution of local architects to regeneration proposals for Coventry.Pupils from Coventry and Warwick will visit and do a project on three contemporary buildings - the Cable and Wireless building on Westwood Heath Road, Westwood Heath, Coventry; Play-box Theatre at Aylesford School, Shelley Avenue, Warwick; and the Bap-tist Church, Castle Hill, Warwick.
YOUTHS at Warwick theatre group Play-box could win a share of pounds 100,000 if they are successful in a literacy contest.
The two Mercedes teammates play-boxed with fixed smiles after they came home 1-2 yet again - but their scrap on the circuit was in deadly earnest.
The two Mercedes team-mates play-boxed with fixed smiles after they came home 1-2 yet again - but their scrap on the circuit was in deadly earnest.