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nounany of several vole-like terrestrial or arboreal rodents of cold forested regions of Canada and western United States

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(5) 9.1 30.3 6.3 Heather Vole Phenacomys intermedins 11.4 - 11.6 Vole Microtus spp.
Because the first specimen of the eastern heather vole (Phenacomys ungava) in Minnesota was for long identified as a rock vole (Handley, 1954), we examined the diagnostic dental patterns of several hundred rock voles and the first 100 heather voles encountered.
For northern bog lemmings, we trapped on 25 lowland bogs, without detectable rocks, that were probably not appropriate for rock roles but many were bounded by habitat that was, and some vole species have been found in numbers in habitat perhaps unusual for them, e.g., Phenacomys intermedins in fen and bog-like habitat (Pearson, 1999).
montanus, montane vole x -- -- Microtus sp., meadow vole -- 6 8 Ondotra zibethicus, muskrat x -- -- Phenacomys intermedius, heather vole x -- -- Dipodidae (Zapodidae) Zapus princes, western jumping mouse x -- -- Erethizontidae Erethizon dorsatutn, porcupine x -- -- CARNIVORA Canidae Canis latrans, coyote x -- -- Urocyon cinereoargenteus, gray fox x -- -- Vulpes Vulpes, red fox x -- -- Ursidae Ursus americanus, black bear x -- -- U.
The Beringian ancestry of Phenacomys (Rodentia: Cricetidae) and the beginning of the modern Arctic Ocean Borderland biota.
Late Pleistocene remains of boreal voles (genera Phenacomys and Clethrionomys) from southern Indiana caves.
Distribution of the voles Arborimus longicaudus and Phenacomys intermedius in the central Oregon Cascades.
Arboreal nests of Phenacomys longicaudus in Oregon.
The food and habitat preferences of Phenacomys albipes.
Notes on the White-footed Vole (Phenacomys albipes).
We searched for nests of Phenacomys longicaudus in a 30-m radius from the center of each reference plot.
Analysis of variance was used to test for significant differences between Phenacomys longicaudus habitats and unoccupied sites for tree diameter, snag height and diameter, and length and diameter of downed logs.
Life histories and ecology of Phenacomys albipes, Phenacomys longicaudus, Phenacomys silvicola [thesis], Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University.
Effects of historical climate change, habitat connectivity, and vicariance on genetic structure and diversity across the range of the Red Tree Vole (Phenacomys longicaudus) in the Pacific Northwestern United States.
Voles of the genus Phenacomys. North American Fauna 48:1-66.