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Antonyms for perinatal

occurring during the period around birth (5 months before and 1 month after)

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References in periodicals archive ?
The council is a partner in a UK and Europe-wide project called PATH (PerinAtal menTal Health) which aspires to build a cross-country support network to help educate people about perinatal mental health, defined as "mild-to-moderate depression and/or anxiety" that can occur any time from conception of a baby to a year after the birth of a child.
"We're proud to be paving the way in perinatal mental health and hope that this new offer results in even better outcomes for new parents and their children."
(2) Perinatal generalized anxiety disorder has been shown to have a prevalence of 8.5%-10.5% during pregnancy with a wider variance post partum.
A new needs assessment report, funded by the Scottish Government, has been published by the national Managed Clinical Network for perinatal mental health.
Risk factors for development of perinatal depression include:
The recommendation is puzzling because of the data on risk for perinatal depression in those populations and the lack of available resources for patients who would be deemed "at risk." Women with histories of depression are at a threefold increased risk for PPD (25%-30%).
The Scottish Government centrally funds the perinatal MCN to allow the Network to recruit specialists in nursing, maternity and infant mental health as well as the overall clinical lead with the long-term aim that all women, their infants and families will have equity of access to perinatal mental health provision at the appropriate level in all NHS Boards across Scotland.
Turton, Hughes, Evans, and Fainman (2001) estimated that the lifetime risk of suffering PTSD for perinatal loss is 29%; also, the risk of PTSD manifested in a subsequent pregnancy is 20% (Turton & Hughes, 2002).
Figures from the National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) found the perinatal mortality rate (before birth) in 2016 was 5.8 deaths per 1,000 births or 1 in 172.
(CCSI), a leading provider of perinatal software, has achieved Common Security Framework certification status from the Health Information Trust Alliance.
Isaac Adewole has urged stakeholders in the Health sector to support the Maternal and Perinatal Deaths Surveillance and Response Programme, which would provide an evidence-based response for improving maternal and newborn health in Nigeria.