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Synonyms for pelvis

the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates

a structure shaped like a funnel in the outlet of the kidney into which urine is discharged before passing into the ureter

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References in periodicals archive ?
On ultrasound (US) examination, the right renal pelvis and calyces had a distinct appearance and a lesion 40x40 mm in size invading the lower calyx in particular was observed.
A spokesperson for Merseyside Police today said: "The woman is believed to have suffered serious, but not life threatening injuries to her pelvis and spine.
And Harrington said last night: "He's got a non-displaced hairline fracture of his pelvis. We discovered it this afternoon.
The woman remained in James Cook University Hospital receiving treatment for serious injuries including a head injury, a broken leg and broken pelvis.
Additionally, CT of the abdomen and pelvis provides much more information about soft tissue injury that is lacking on radiographs.
Carcinoma of the kidney and renal pelvis represents the eighth most common cancer in the United States with an estimated 63,990 new cases and 14,400 deaths by renal tumours in the year 2017 [1].
The 27-year-old struggled with a persistent pelvis problem and was advised to go under the knife to rectify the issue.
Generally, the dismembered technique is the optimal option for UPJO with extrarenal pelvis [3].
Unexpectedly, two stones were found at the left ureteral pelvis and subrenal calyx, respectively.
(1) Sacrum contributes significantly for the stability and strength of the pelvis by transmitting the weight of the body to the pelvic girdle.
The Finetech-Brindley device is surgically implanted in the pelvis and connected to an external stimulator.