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Synonyms for pappy

yielding easily to pressure or weight; not firm

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
But I do not love Pappy with as much passion as I love my Daddy, whose beloved smell, a mixture of his cigarettes and his cologne, I remember still.
"I told Pappy, and he said he was cool with the name change.
Instead, the agencies satisfied regulatory requirements when, based on what they knew about the Pappy's Lane Wreck, they ordered data recovery and decided that the shipwreck did not merit preservation in place.
"We live in a time and era where people want to work somewhere it means something," Pappy said.
Much loved Husband, Father, Pappy and Greatgrandfather.
The audiobook, which is no longer available, was released in October 2016 and narrated by Penn under the pseudonym 'Pappy Pariah'.
That's when he meets Pappy Garrett, a veteran outlaw who takes him under his wing and teaches him the tricks of shooting and staying alive.
yet Yeats Sasquatch squawman submission feets feats afeared pappy
Thirteen-year-old misfit Adam Harrison (voiced by Pappy Faulkner) lives with his single mother Shelly (Marieve Herington) in Portland, Oregon.
We didn't have one of the self-contained sheller units described in the article, but Pappy managed to shell a lot of corn with his clamp-on Black Hawk sheller.
Pappy JACK HOBBS should relish the surface plus the step up to a mile-and-a-half, which is undoubtedly his optimum trip.
She'll have help of course, from the director Tom Parry, from award-winning sketch group Pappy's.
There, he read, for the first time, the story of Pappy Gunn, the man who converted a B-25 Mitchell into a twin-engine bomber, transforming it into a fighter plane with high caliber machine guns.
(Hains Point), and Pappy Papuga, the ultimate range master/officer, told us that when you lost function of the left arm and hand, put the front serrations between your knees and rack the slide with the right hand.
The kids call him "Pappy" and he enjoys playing hide and seek with them in the garden.