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Synonyms for papaw

small tree native to the eastern United States having oblong leaves and fleshy fruit

fruit with yellow flesh

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Only 15 participants (11.4%) owned a PAPAW. Most participants used the following MW brands: Invacare (Elyria, Ohio) (n = 37; 28.0%) and Kuschall (Witterswil, Switzerland) (n = 31; 23.5%).
"I was with Bob Freeman when he bought the 1924 Ford-son tractor near Greeneville, Tennessee," Papaw told me as I sat in front of him with my computer in my dad's garage.
I'm as wordy as your Papaw was taciturn, but the father's heavy hand is always the same.
Oncometopia rubescens Fowler, PERU: Fundo Genova, IV-2002, Logarzo Leg., 14[male][male], 16[female][female], on grasses and papaw; V-2002, Logarzo Leg., 16[male][male], 4[female][female], by sweeping (IMLA).
* Pushrim Activated Power Assisted Wheelchair (PAPAW).
Lucas immersed himself in his medical practice and wrote several books condemning surgery and promoting holistic medicine (The Laws of Life and Alcohol; My Hospital Campaign: Or Reasons against Prescribing Indiscriminately Alcoholic Beverages for the Sick; Domestic Medicine; The Terrors of the Knife: Operative Surgery or Science Falsely So-Called; and The Most Wonderful Tree in the World: The Papaw).
There are pears by the bushel, quince, persimmon, papaw and honeyberries lurking in these catalogs.
On the other hand, Burleigh fails to deal with the flip side: The papaW was no placid sacred entity claiming a spiritual sovereignty; the pope was the absolute monarch of his territories and sought to remain so.
A comparison of the poem with the detailed notes taken by Browning senior and his attempts to turn these into a dramatic narrative leads Hawlin to conclude that the poet's representation of the papaw here is not driven by the urge to "make an aggressive or simplistic anti-Catholic statement" (p.
SPRINGFIELD - Leonard "Papaw" Willis of Springfield died July 4 of age-related causes.
The Ohio legislature recessed at the end of May last session without having resolved a number of not-at-all-urgent issues--whether the smallmouth bass or the walleye pike would be designated the state fish, whether the papaw or apple would become the state fruit, whether the bullfrog or toad would be named the state amphibian and whether the hamburger would make the grade as the official state food.
The women plant only indigenous species such as fig, banana, citrus, papaw, papaya, avocado, nandi flame, acacia, thorn, and cedar.
From an English or Irish point of view, however, the principal interest of Adrian's papaW is the bull Laudabiliter, which apparently gave Henry II of England papal approval for the conquest of Ireland.
My uncle Buddy was a little more educated than Papaw, and more knowledgeable.
And Len remembered Angie from church as someone the Grandfather (Papaw, his mother's father) would have called a "knee bender." Sunday after Sunday she'd run up to the front of the church and fail to her knees before the preacher in exhibitionist surrender, face dripping with ecstasy.