panel truck

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panel truckpanel truck
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Synonyms for panel truck

nouna van suitable for delivering goods or services to customers

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Starting Jan, 1, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (in addition to vans, pickups, or panel trucks) will be 56 cents per mile for business miles driven, 23.5 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, and 14 cents per mile driven in order to serve charitable organizations.
1, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (including vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be 50.5 cents a mile for business miles driven, 19 cents a mile driven for medical or moving purposes, and 14 cents a mile driven in service of charitable organizations.
1, 2007, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (including vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be:
1, 2006, the standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile (including vans, pickups, or panel trucks) for business purposes will be 44.5 cents per mile for business miles driven.