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Synonyms for paginate

number the pages of a book or manuscript


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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The ease by which to create graphically appealing bold and display ads, to colorize an ad, to paginate, and to maintain record- keeping, has helped our classified department grow its product and produce an award-winning section.
Gold is also working with the Newspapers In Education program and is bringing over a couple of students to help paginate pages.
The Star-Ledger also is installing SCS/ClassPag to replace its FT&A software and paginate classified ads from the Mactive front-end serving both the Star Ledger and The Times of Trenton.
Software Consulting ServicesNazareth, Pa.The Cincinnati Enquirer has installed SCS/ClassPag classified pagination software, enabling the 195,028-circulation (280,558 Sunday) Gannett daily to paginate complete classified editions in seconds.
The upgrades include the ability to paginate with Adobe InDesign and InCopy CS3, two-way integration to third-party online publishing systems, and two-way TV integration to the AP's ENPS news production system, among other features.
You could process words, paginate pages and abuse images to your heart's content -- as long as you didn't try to do anything stupid, like put out a newspaper.
Juliano's earlier experience included working on some of the first projects to publish from a database and writing one of the first prototypes to fully paginate classified ad pages, complete with display ads.