References in periodicals archive
Umm Salamah (rtaf) has narrated: "When the verse 'That they should cast their outer garments over their persons' was revealed, the women of Ansar came out, as if they had crows over their heads by wearing outer garments." (Abu Dawood) The word 'crow' refers to the colour of the outer garment or the shape of the covering - nothing flattering, to say the least.
John highlighted the washing of the feet with the words "remove the outer garment." When you take off the outer garment it means the laying down of one's life.
This shirt can be worn as an outer garment or an undergarment, and is manufactured extra-long to provide calming sensory input to the entire torso.
Yeh said the park has launched a discount activity designed for the Christmas season, offering a special admission price of NT$599, whereas the original price for adults is NT$999, to visitors who come wearing a red or green upper outer garment having an area exceeding 90% in either color, from now to Jan.
The ban stipulates that the hijab, the veil or outer garment believed to be a protection from sin by Muslim women, poses a threat to the security which requires facial recognition.
BLORE A Fat-faced woman B Violent gust of wind C Sack-like outer garment who am I?
Keep in mind your outer garment can present holstering issues.
What name was given to the outer garment worn by male citizens of ancient Rome?
It's perfect for competition, field carry or even CCW with a coat or outer garment.
She always wears an outer garment of pleated black silk
So ahead of her time, Westwood single-handedly blurred the lines between inner garment and outer garment, by turning even the lowly brassiere or corset into mainstream evening wear.
Contradicting CDU positions, the CSU paper also calls for the abolition of dual citizenship and a ban on the burqa, the enveloping outer garment worn by some Muslim women, and the niqab, a facial veil which reveals only the eyes.
The more Israel is bashed, however legitimately so, it will behave like the man in an overcoat fought over by the sun and the wind, which argued over who could force the man to remove his outer garment first.
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- Outer Defense Zone
- Outer Dense Fiber
- outer dense fiber 2 protein
- outer dense fiber of sperm tails 1
- Outer Dense Fiber Protein
- Outer dense fiber-associated protein SPAG4
- outer dense fibre of sperm tails 1
- outer dense fibre of sperm tails, 27-kD
- outer dense fibre protein 1
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- Outer Dynein Arm
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- outer ear
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- outer ear infection
- outer effects
- Outer enamel epithelium
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- Outer Envelope Membrane Protein of 75 Kilodaltons
- Outer Envelope Protein of 16 Kilodaltons
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- Outer hair cell
- Outer hair cell
- Outer Hair Cell, Arcuate-Pectinate
- Outer Hair Cells
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- Outer Harbor Intermodal Terminal
- Outer Harbour Sailing Federation
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- Outer Hebrides
- Outer Hebrides Broadcasting Corporation
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- Outer House Court of Session
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- Outer Islands Development Corporation
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