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Synonyms for outcrop

the part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land

appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground

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Pacton will immediately begin a comprehensive outcrop cleaning/mapping program followed by a minimum 10,000 meter drilling program to begin in fall 2019.
"The results confirm wide intersections of lepidolite hosting pegmatite below the shallow historical open pit, with trenching and outcrop sampling work currently demonstrating open-ended potential to extend the deposit along strike to the south west of the old pit," said chief executive Michael McNelly.
Neolithic quarry workers needed only to insert wedges into the readymade joints between pillars, then lower each to the foot of the outcrop.
We conducted a total of 2578 rock outcrop surveys of 168 green salamander nests during 2010-2015.
Similarly, the outcrop data of Chiltan Formation suggests poor to fair source rock quality in the upper part, very good to good in the middle part and poor to good in the lower part.
Enthusiasts dressed as Darth Vader, a Stormtrooper and Chewbacca travelled to a rocky outcrop in the Atlantic which starred in the last two films.
The set of human-like footprints is etched on Katheruko, an area of sedimentary outcrop where natural salty water flows.Next to the footprints are other prints that look like those of a hoofed animal, perhaps a horse or a donkey.
It is known that one of the largest mass extinction events of the Phanerozoic marked this boundary, and the record of this geologically historic event has been revealed at several stratigraphic sections over the world, most commonly from the subsurface and much less so from outcrop [1-3] due to obliteration by surface geologic processes (weathering and erosion).
dpa Kathmandu ~Hillary Step, a famous 12-metre outcrop that was the last hurdle for climbers before reaching the summit of Mount Everest, has collapsed, a Nepalese mountain guide said on Monday.
We investigate the fraction of NPs retained at both small laboratory scale (core) and large field scale (outcrop).
new skins Microhabitat 1 14 Aug 2012 5 Basalt outcrop in shrub-steppe on edge of wetland 29 July 2013 3 2 14 Aug 2012 2 Basalt outcrop in shrub-steppe 3 2 Sept 2012 4 Basalt outcrop in shrub-steppe 29 July 2013 3 24 Aug 2013 -- 4 1 Aug 2013 2 Basalt outcrop in shrub-steppe 5 1 Aug 2013 4 Basalt outcrop in shrub-steppe 10 Aug 2013 -- 2 Sept 2013 -- 6 10 Aug 2013 5 Basalt outcrop in shrub-steppe 7 2 Sept 2013 5 Basalt outcrop in shrub-steppe on edge of wetland Shed Rock No.
The rover is currently investigating an outcrop called Pahrump Hills at its destination mountain "Mount Sharp".
The series begins with Nick Crane looking at the secret life of Mont St Michel, a rocky outcrop which attracts over a million tourists a year and Mark Horton revealing how French mapmakers accidentally gave birth to Britain's Ordnance Survey some two centuries ago.
But there's hope yet for Lake Gusev, thanks to a Columbia Hills rock outcrop, dubbed Comanche.