References in periodicals archive
Outboard motorboats move faster and produce more noise, whereas inboard motorboats and ships have slower displacement and the motor produces low noise.
At Pipa beach, Valle & Melo (2006) observed that when outboard motorboats were switched off, or remained at low rotations, the Guiana dolphins tended to approach the boat or show neutral reactions.
Thesaurus browser
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- out of print
- out of reach
- out of sight
- out of stock
- out of the blue
- out of the question
- out of thin air
- out of true
- out of use
- out of view
- out of wedlock
- out of whack
- out of work
- out or keeping
- out to
- outage
- out-and-out
- out-and-outer
- Outaouais
- outback
- outbalance
- out-basket
- outbid
- outboard
- outboard motor
- outboard motorboat
- outbound
- outbrave
- outbreak
- outbred
- outbuilding
- outburst
- outcall
- outcast
- outcaste
- outclass
- outclassed
- outcome
- outcrop
- outcropping
- outcry
- outdate
- outdated
- outdistance
- outdo
- outdoor
- outdoor game
- outdoor man
- outdoor sport
- outdoor stage
- outdoors
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Full browser
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- outbloom
- Outblown
- outbluff
- Outblush
- outbluster
- outboard
- outboard
- outboard
- outboard
- Outboard Boating Club
- Outboard Booster Engine
- Outboard Booster Engine Cutoff
- outboard DAC
- outboard DAC
- Outboard Data Link Control
- Outboard Divertor
- Outboard Drag Boat Association
- Outboard engine
- Outboard engine
- Outboard engine
- Outboard engine
- Outboard Engine Cutoff
- Outboard Engine Distributors Association
- Outboard Exhaust Manifold
- Outboard Marine Corporation
- Outboard Mission Planning System
- outboard motor
- outboard motor
- outboard motor
- Outboard Motor Corporation
- outboard motorboat
- Outboard motors
- Outboard motors
- Outboard Officer
- outboard profile
- outboardly
- outboardly
- outboards
- outboards
- outboast
- outbond
- Outborn
- outbound
- outbound
- Outbound Call
- Outbound Contact Solution
- Outbound Global Title Translation
- Outbound Intrusion Detection
- outbound link
- outbound link
- outbound marketing
- Outbound Material Handling Form
- Outbound Message Manager
- Outbound Message Processor
- outbound radial
- Outbound Route Filter
- Outbound Signaling Word
- Outbound Telemarketing
- outbound traffic
- outboundly
- Outbounds
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