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Synonyms for organize

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for organize

to put into a deliberate order

to arrange in an orderly manner

to assemble, prepare, or put into operation, as for war or a similar emergency

to bring into existence formally

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for organize

plan and direct (a complex undertaking)

bring order and organization to

arrange by systematic planning and united effort

form or join a union

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Hamas has earlier denied Fatah the right to organize its rally in the Green Al Kateebah area based on security reports, and not on political grounds.
"Even people who like to organize do not necessarily want to read about organizing," Mr.
How can I trust somebody else to represent me?" Her advice to any organization that would organize with family childcare providers is to "hear us-not just what we say, but the heartfelt things that we don't say.
Organizers quickly discovered that providing individual case advocacy to GR recipients would enhance their ability to organize the workfare constituency.
At some schools, for instance, avoidance might mean giving graduate students pay increases before they ask; at others, it may serve as the impetus to concede to certain healthcare demands before the issue gets students riled up enough to organize and fight.
Likewise, when the 190 miners at the AEP mine in a southern Ohio began to organize a union with the United Mine Workers (UMW), 30 of them were "laid off." Still, the miners carried on the organizing.
While some private sector industries may be easier to organize than others, unions employing comprehensive, innovative, rank-and-file-based strategies are able to succeed much more frequently than those that do not.
The purpose is to tell readers how to organize diverse and abundant information to produce a written document for use when a catastrophe threatens or strikes.
"Women can organize women" is a popular and effective union slogan.
If the organizers are able to secure union authorization cards from a minimum of 30% of the workers by the end of the blitz, the union will generally commit the resources necessary to organize the rest of the workplace.
The problem has been a lack of consensus within the labor movement, especially on organizing, not only between those unions that organize aggressively and those that don't but even among those that are leading the charge.
For example, in Milwaukee the group "Justice for Janitors" has given up trying to organize mostly part-time and low-wage janitorial employees and is instead trying to force building owners and managers to hire only union firms to do their cleaning.
ACORN (Association of Community Orgnaizers for Reform Now) sees the case strictly as an example of a landlord suppressing tenants' rights to organize.
The members of the European Chapter are pleased to have been given the opportunity to organize European-based and European national tax professionals around TEI's goals.
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