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Synonyms for organism

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for organism

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
I think it is this characteristic, more than any other, that distinguishes sciences dealing with living organisms from physics.
In like manner, we can collect all mnemic phenomena in living organisms under a single law, which contains what is hitherto verifiable in Semon's two laws.
Prior to the Ediacaran period, between 635 and 541 million years ago, life forms were microscopic in size, but during the Ediacaran, large, complex organisms first appeared, some of which -- such as a type of organism known as rangeomorphs -- grew as tall as two metres.
The organism reports come mainly from samples sent to hospital laboratories or to specialist laboratories when additional typing is required, as for salmonellae.
These are not aggressive chemical compounds, but when acting on a micro-organism, they cause the organism's membrane to burst before it has a chance to reproduce.
Mehta set out to find any vent organism that fixes nitrogen under those extreme conditions.
"All life exists in a tenuous balance that demands that no one organism increase in number so that it becomes out of proportion or unduly emphasized at the expense of other organisms," the book advises.
The Model Organisms link yields resources categorized by organism: mouse, zebrafish, Caenorhabditis elegans, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and Xenopus tropicalis.
Every individual organism, except for identical twins, has a unique set of DNA.
* Choose one specific organism to observe during the movie
Actinomyces, a commensal organism of the oral cavity, is often found in the tonsillar crypts, where it exists asymptomatically.
Calculating the negentropy of radiation in vivo and the entropy of materials, we found that the sum entropy of the human organism is effectively negative.
Yet a man or woman is not truly an organism in the sense that a rabbit or a lion or a whale is.
It is a very common soil organism. It is a fairly aggressive soil organism that lives on exudates produced by the roots of every plant that grows in soil.
But, in fact, such a genetic profile can be replicated through the biological process of twinning or artificially through embryo division or, should the technology be developed, organism cloning.
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