Nympha is definitely bothered by their periodic appearance, and just disappear by themselves at certain periods.
2) were measured on the right valve of the shell of each mussel, using electronic callipers or a microscope eyepiece micrometer, to the nearest 0.1 mm: the shell length (L), the distance from the umbo to the posterior boundary of the ligament (l), and the distance from the umbo to the anterior boundary of the prismatic layer under the ligament
nympha (a).
Although Mary Christophe loved Rosa, she names her
Nympha out of anger towards Clara Appleton's mistreatment of her and her children: I tell her because I was sick and tired of her she treated me.
Nympha Castaned, (1,2) Jesusa Undan, (1,2) Jerwin R.
Saudia City Tennis Club (SCTC) for the ladies HMX category composed of Rhoda Bangit, Tatah Egil, Malou Sabio, Dheila Harris,
Nympha Sakay, Hezyl Lozada, Raelyn Licyayo and Ailen Wahab.
The most abundant species were Fountainea ryphea (Charaxinae, 1138 individuals), Smyrna blomfildia (Nymphalinae, 480), Myscelia cyaniris (Biblidinae, 294), Hamadryas amphichloe (Biblidinae, 259) and Taygetis
nympha (Satyrinae, 197).
Nympha praedata temperasset amori suo, si venturum ad interdictum Herculem credidisset.
Alternative mate-locating tactics in the butterfly Chlosyne californica (Lepidoptera,
Nympha lidae).
(47) Mani-Aten, "Set My People Free," in
Nympha Byrne and Camille Fouillard, eds., It's Like the Legend: Innu Women's Voices (Charlottetown: gynergy books, 2000), 231-32.
All four species are coral and coral-rock associated gobies: Gobiodon prolixus Winterbottom & Harold, 2005, and Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990, are associated with living corals of the families Acroporidae and Faviidae respectively, Trimmatom nanus Winterbottom & Emery, 1981, was found on a coral-rock habitat and Feia
nympha Smith, 1959, was found on sand under a small stone at the base of fringing coral reef.
"We have a very successful track record in the implementation and execution of advanced technology initiatives for patient safety and quality care delivery," stated
Nympha Meindel, RN, FACHE, vice president and Chief Information Officer at Kingsbrook.
At night visits we monitored a Dryocalamus
nympha feeding on C.