Of course Ginger was very much excited; she flung up her head with flashing eyes and distended
nostrils, declaring that men were both brutes and blockheads.
'I don't know what is turning those windmills; there is not the slightest breeze blowing.' So he walked on with his servants, and when they had gone two miles they saw a man sitting on a tree, holding one of his
nostrils and blowing out of the other.
His black eyes glittered, and his
nostrils were distended and eager.
As Tarzan rose upon the body of his kill to scream forth his hideous victory cry into the face of the moon the wind carried to his
nostrils something which froze him to statuesque immobility and silence.
Thus spake the wanderer who called himself Zarathustra's shadow; and before any one answered him, he had seized the harp of the old magician, crossed his legs, and looked calmly and sagely around him:--with his
nostrils, however, he inhaled the air slowly and questioningly, like one who in new countries tasteth new foreign air.
Vronsky patted her strong neck, straightened over her sharp withers a stray lock of her mane that had fallen on the other side, and moved his face near her dilated
nostrils, transparent as a bat's wing.
As he lay, thinking furiously on every possibility of self-salvation, there came to his sensitive
nostrils a faint and a familiar scent.
And the human voice, the voice of a god, issuing from the throat of the tiny, snow-white bird, had made Michael go back on his haunches, while, with eyes and
nostrils, he quested the steerage for the human who had spoken.
A light wind was moving through the jungle aisles, and it wafted down now to the
nostrils of the eager carnivore the strong scent spoor of the deer, exciting his already avid appetite to a point where it became a gnawing pain.
It was she that discovered us, and the pair stood and looked up at us, silently, with twitching, scenting
nostrils. Then they growled, looked once again at the fire, and turned away into the forest.
Unluckily that worthy officer having, in a literal sense, taken his fill of liquor, had been some time retired to his bolster, where he was snoring so loud that it was not easy to convey a noise in at his ears capable of drowning that which issued from his
In his eyes lurked a look of perfectly remorseless irony, as though he had been provided with an extremely experienced soul; and the slightest distension of his
nostrils would give to his bronzed face a look of extraordinary boldness.
Whilst they were carefully regarding this--Adam with the aid of an opera-glass--their
nostrils were assailed by a horrid stench, something like that which rose from the well-hole in Diana's Grove.
Mukhorty, buried up to his belly in snow, with the breeching and drugget hanging down, stood all white, his dead head pressed against his frozen throat: icicles hung from his
nostrils, his eyes were covered with hoar-frost as though filled with tears, and he had grown so thin in that one night that he was nothing but skin and bone.
I should like well to hear them neigh over their hardly earned feed of corn, and see them, with their moist necks freed from the harness, dipping their eager
nostrils into the muddy pond.