Marie-Sophie nao se lembra do dia em que Esternome, com modos de zumbi de tristezas, devassa, em busca de sua
Ninon, os detritos escombrosos de uma Saint-Pierre lambida pelos engulhos de fogo do Mont Pelle ("(...) o incendio contido no morro, como um soluco amordacado a beira da explosao sanguinaria, em busca de uma ignicao que se esquiva e se desconhece" (CESAIRE, 2012: 13).) Ela tambem nao se recorda dos angulos retos das dezenas de casas erguidas por seu pai ou do ciume que Esternome sentiu quando percebeu que
Ninon fugira com o tocador de mandolina.
This title is also available in French as
Ninon tient bon.
Thereupon the manuscript was handed over to the British firm Hutchinson, which commissioned a new translation from one
Ninon Roets, ultimately publishing Magersfontein in 1983 (Kannemeyer, Leroux 631).
Another investor, and advisor, is Meek Khalfan's wife, fellow Tanzanian
Ninon Marapachi, who has made a big name for herself in the business world in the US as managing director of the $20bn Merrill Lynch/Bank of America-Global Wealth and Investment Management hedge fund in New York.
Added to the mix is the homeless teen
Ninon, who adds romance to the story and pierces through Julian's tough facade.
Alli derrame mis primeras lagrimitas con los melodramones de
Ninon Sevilla, Libertad Lamarque y Rita Montaner.
THE STORY: "Fashion is the art of the possible," observes Kate, an Irish immigrant dressmaker at 1960s Manhattan atelier Chez
Ninon, as she puts the finishing touches on a lovely pink wool suit trimmed in navy blue, an authorized Coco Chanel reproduction intended for First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.
Ninon University College of Economics, 1-3-2 Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8360, Japan