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Synonyms for neology

a newly invented word or phrase

the act of inventing a word or phrase

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The writer employs such an innovative neology to convey his sexual abusive act which shattered Estha's life forever.
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-December 9, 2011-SMARTRAC to acquire majority holding in Neology Inc(C)1994-2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
Such expansion may take place either by borrowing (through the incorporation of adapted or unadapted native English words, that is, Anglicisms and false Anglicisms from other mediating languages) or even by innovation or neology (by creating new forms and meanings which imitate English forms but which do not exist as such in English, that is, through formal or semantic false Anglicisms).
These classifications hardly accept the creation of new concepts or handle neology. In fact, community members are linked together, not only by a topic of interest, but also implicitly by the sociolect (Labov, 1976) (their jargon) they develop when they communicate and exchange information.
It is clear that such neologic procedures are linked solely to denominative neology because they answer the need to communicate a new experience and are not inspired by aesthetic considerations but by the necessity to be efficient in communication.
In commenting on neology (creation of new words or meaning) and the call to the imagination, he suggests that "elle apporte de profonds plaisirs intellectuels a son auteur" (p.
See Mary Ann Doane, Neology and the Practice of Sound Editing and Mixing, in THE CINEMATIC APPARATUS 47 (Teresa de Lauretis & Stephen Heath eds., 1980).
As a matter of fact, one of our current customers, Neology, is a San Diego-based vertically-integrated provider of passive RFID-enabled solutions.
and Puritanism in the century that followed, to the rise of Neology, Deism, and Liberalism as one kind of response to the Enlightenment and Evangelicalism, Revivalism, and Restorationism representing another, to 20th-century Social Gospel, Fundamentalism, Pentecostalism, Neo-Orthodoxy, Feminism, and Liberation Theology: the leaders and movements that have shaped Protestantism are presented for the readers" consideration.
I am a friend to neology. It is the only way to give to a language copiousness and euphony.
The ministry's General Commission on Terminology and Neology insists Interact surfers in France are broadly using the term "courrier electronique" (electronic mail) instead of e-mail--a claim some industry experts dispute.