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Synonyms for nee

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Words related to nee

(meaning literally 'born') used to indicate the maiden or family name of a married woman

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
MA 255423B (pro parte) fl: [AUSTRALIA] <<Ocimum / Bahia Botanica / Nee dedit>> [et.
Nee began his career with Marcus & Millichap as a sales intern in February 2007.
Ah Nee tried to will the wall of noise out of his head, tried to put himself in his quiet place, like the doc had suggested.
Maternal grandparents are Gary and Rosella Nee of Clinton.
Nee, originally from Galway, has decided to reveal for the first time just how terrifyingly easy it was to amass enough machine guns and bombs to take out a whole battalion of British soldiers.
#AGNES Neeson, 34, nee Farrell, married her school sweetheart David, 34, and they now run an electronics and engineering business.
1987-1988 President Tom Nee receives his Honorary Membership from Drew Glennie.
Other former pupils who are helping with the evening, planned for September 28, are Frances Barry (nee Donovan), Patricia Coulthard (nee Williams) and Bonny Harvey (nee Greener).
Matthew was preceded in death by his grandparents, Ralph and Norma (nee Helkenn) Aleksich and grandmother Virginia Pierce Taylor, his Uncle Steve Aleksich and Uncle John Beardsley.
JINKS MARY IRENE nee Eccles We lost a precious mother with a heart of gold, How much we all loved her can never be told, At Heaven's gates she will be there For God to take her in His care.
They are: May Audley, nee Lewis; Margaret Blackburn, nee Hill; Alice Brammar, nee Noble; Val Chalton, nee Hinton; Jean Charlton, nee Dutton; Di Coombes, nee Swallow; Dot Evans, nee Webster; Ruth Kendall, nee Wilson; Brenda Kyffin, nee Smith; Anne Millington, nee Rimmer; Ruth Peberdy, nee Jones; Pat Sefton, nee Smith; Doris Shone, nee Richards; Sylvia Tyas, nee Poyner and Maureen Williams, nee Telford; and, right, the old college building
Janet Turner (nee Morrey) from Kenilworth sent in this photo of Finham |Primary School in 1947-48 - Janet is on the front row, second from right
* FRIENDS REUNITED: From left, Christine Mills (nee Brown), Judith Shearing (nee Clegg), Lesley Baxter (nee Jenkinson), Janice Mahony (nee Boothroyd) and Joyce Bel (nee Wilson) (S)
Daughter of Catherine (Kate) Helen Sarah (nee McBride) Oakes UE and Brian James Oakes together with one of her cousins Arthur John Camp UE, Born 07 November 2009, Son of Margaret Robin Mary (nee McBride) Camp UE and Bradley Stewart Camp.