The old Venetian senator lays down a truly
misogynous argument based on a vision largely shared in the 16th century, and owing to a tradition based on the ancient Greek genre of the epithalamium.
To this list, we must also add the growing militarization of everyday life, with its attendant glorification of aggressive,
misogynous models of masculinity.
misogynous, red-neck fear and loathing led to one of Amazon Acres' neighbours, a female doctor bitterly remembered as being "lesbophobic/homophobic," in 1980 bulldozing parts of their access road, making members walk hours just to get in and out.
(16) Contrary to other medieval philosophers whose
misogynous tendencies are acknowledged and strongly criticized, some scholars have been less unequivocal regarding Maimonides's harsh attitude towards women.
(20) Christopher Shirley discusses how Lady Margaret Douglas (1515-1578), one of the manuscript's scribes, annotated a cluster of
misogynous poems for repeated re-reading.
In fact he has made a number of racist,
misogynous statements during the campaign, and these are probably what they are talking about.
One wonders whether Republican legislators will be as contemptuously
misogynous toward President Hillary Clinton as they've been contemptuously racist toward President Obama.
She jokes that "we read tweets from Sunni extremists warning us about this being an anti-Sunni conspiracy and a good mix of
misogynous tweets about women protesting in shorts, like this was the highlight of the day".
Concomitantly, it has been a time-honoured tactic to put negative,
misogynous opinions about women (which readers might agree with in "real" life), into the mouths of the most unattractive, dumb and ridiculous characters, thus discrediting the tale by way of the teller.
The One Million Signature Campaign issued "The Statement of the Campaign" arguing that the
misogynous laws imposed by the sovereign power have created a discriminatory atmosphere for women in Iran and it demanded the elimination or reform of the following Islamist state laws: (2)
GOP primary by calling on Gary Lambert to pull and an ad knocking Marilinda Garcia as an "amnesty liberal" and "amnesty activist." The former speaker says the "slightly
misogynous" ad "criticizes a Hispanic woman with a false argument."
"A lot of
misogynous language was used around menstruation.
This is, however, not to say that either socio-political, moral, or scientific medieval theories were in any ways explicitly or maliciously
misogynous. The arguments presented here are rather intended to imply that in fact, while indeed the uncanny in women needs to be tamed and, as the title of this article playfully suggests, torn away as a seductive veil attracting attention to the woman covered with it, medieval texts admitted, cherished, and marvelled at the same qualities of women which were necessarily to be eventually taken away for the sake of cultural propriety and social order.