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act of assembling and putting into readiness for war or other emergency: "mobilization of the troops"

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References in periodicals archive ?
In his lead debate, Senator Melaye titled: ' The militarisation of the Nigerian Electoral Process and the inconsistent application of Electoral Laws by the Independent National Electoral Commission ( INEC)', stated that the ugly trend of militarisation of election was witnessed in the 2019 general elections and must not be allowed to happen in future elections.
The Senator submitted: 'This extreme militarisation of a democratic electoral process and the inconsistent application of electoral laws by INEC in matters of national elections pose serious threats to our democracy, and has security implications that must be nipped in the bud;
There is a subtle difference between space militarisation and space weaponisation.
Non-proliferation measures have already been affected badly due to Indo-US nuclear deals and space militarisation leading to space weaponisation will end up in strategic instability in South Asia.
"Secretary Kerry reiterated his concern about rising tensions over disputed claims in the South China Sea and China's large scale reclamation, construction, and militarisation of features there," a State Department official told reporters afterKerry met Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Malaysia.
Independent of each other, they found that Praetorian militarisation, general government and social corruption tended to increase the child mortality rate.
Kirchner said: "We will present a complaint to the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, as this militarisation poses a grave danger to international security."
"This is part of the general militarisation of the country.
Rising from its meeting at the national secretariat of the party in Abuja on Monday, the Caucus noted the militarisation of the process, harassment and intimidation of voters during the exercise.
The communique noted: 'Caucus commended Nigerians for refusing the harassment, intimidation and militarisation of the electoral process and participating in the election but noted that the mandate that was freely given to our candidate was stolen and as such the party and the candidate jointly resolved to go to the tribunal and reaching the end of what is permissible within our legal system to get back our mandate on behalf of Nigerians.
Space militarisation on the other hand is a rather less offensive term which stands for utilization of space for intelligence gathering, surveillance and reconnaissance missions through satellites to support forces on ground in the battle field.
So far both states are confined till space militarisation to enhance the capabilities of their forces, but if that force multiplier in space goes under threat, Pakistan will resort to capability to counter Indian aggression in space as well, which will be the classic action-reaction paradigm.
Last year, there were satellite imageries of runway construction on the islands which raised fears of militarisation. And now, it looks like the islands really are slowly turning into a military site.
Now, after seizing Land and Sea with its military power, the new arena for militarisation chosen by India is the 'Outer Space'.