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Words related to microsporidian

parasite of arthropods and fishes that invade and destroy host cells

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References in periodicals archive ?
Infection of the cockle Cerastoderma edule in the Baie des Veys (France) by the microsporidian parasite Steinhausia sp.
Laboratory host specificity testing of the fire ant microsporidian pathogen Vairimorpha invictae (Microporidia: Burenellidae).
Electron micrographs of skin and peritoneal fluid revealed microsporidian spores with features that were compatible with the genus Tubulinosema.
Ewald and Schubert (1989) adduced support for this view from comparative studies of microsporidian parasites of mosquitoes.
In this study, proteins were identified from the sporoplasms discharged from spores of the microsporidian, Spraguea lophii.
A microsporidian fire ant pathogen from South America, Kneallhazia (=Thelohania) solenopsae (Knell, Allen & Hazard), was first detected in the U.S.
Prevalence of microsporidiosis due to Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinalis among patients with AIDS-related diarrhea: determination by polymerase chain reaction to the microsporidian small-subunit rRNA gene.
A small percentage (5.8%) of the mussels had microsporidian infections, Steinhausii mytilovum (Mussel Egg Disease).
2007), 2 species of microsporidian pathogens, and at least 3 kinds of viruses, are being investigated as potential fire ant biocontrol agents (Oi & Valles 2009).
We show that the microsporidian fungus Enterocytozoon bieneusi is associated with lower rates of weight gain in children in Uganda with persistent diarrhea.
Until now, both of the EF phylogenies (EF-1 alpha tree is shown in [ILLUSTRATION FOR FIGURE 1 OMITTED]) clearly and consistently suggested (a) that three amitochondriate protists, Glugea plecoglossi (microsporidian), Giardia lamblia (diplomonad), and Trichomonas tenax (trichomonad), represent an early-branching eukaryotic group; and that among them, the divergence of Glugea seems to be the earliest (1-5); and (b) that another amitochondrial protist, Entamoeba histolytica, is likely to have diverged after the divergences of some mitochondrion-containing protists, but is not likely to have diverged later than euglenoids, as suggested by the SrRNA tree (6).
2007), and microsporidian protozoan (Thelohania solenopsae; Oi & Williams 2002; Oi & Valles 2008).
Microsporidian parasites of the genus Spraguea develop in neuronal cells in the central nervous system of different species of the genus Lophius (1).
These agents include the microsporidian parasite, Kneallhazia solenopsae, and decapitating flies found in the genus Pseudacteon (Pereira 2003).
To understand the biology of microsporidia better, we have begun a genomic analysis of Spraguea lophii, a microsporidian that infects goose-fish (Lophius americanus), an important commercial finfish.