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Synonyms for microscopical

of or relating to or used in microscopy


visible under a microscope


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so small as to be invisible without a microscope


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References in periodicals archive ?
Caption: Figure 4: The average number of [CD4.sup.+] lymphocytes (a); microscopical examination of [CD4.sup.+] lymphocytes on skin wound (IHC antibody anti [CD4.sup.+], DAB, scale bar 50 [micro]m).
(d) The microscopical examination confirmed the separation between the tumor and the kidney (Hematein-Eosin-Safran, x100).
Microscopical examination confirmed the presence of paucicellular hyaline collagenous plaques with 'basket-weave' pattern, bilateral diffuse pleural fibrosis composed of similarly paucicellular collagen, and occasional lymphoid aggregates (Figure 4).
The English translation of Theodor Schwann's foundational essay Microscopical Researches into the Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants (1839), extending Schleiden's findings to animal organisms, was published in 1847.
Microscopical examination showed a well-circumscribed tumor composed of nests of cells with round or oval nuclei and abundant clear cytoplasm.
Pabst et al, 'The tattoos of the Tyrolean Iceman: a light microscopical, ultrastructural and element analytical study,, Journal of Archeological Science, vol.
Microscopical examination of the leaf showed the presence of anomocytic stomata in which the guard cells are surrounded by epidermal cell that are not distinguishable from other epidermal cells as shown in Figure 2.
There was tumoral infiltration in the renal cortex in microscopical examination.
[1.] Palenik, S: Microscopical trace evidence--the overlooked clue; The Microscope 30:281; 1982.
Rahad locality revealed the highest microscopical prevalence rate (68.2%) with highly statistically significant (p = 0.011) variation from Gadarif (42.9%) and Gala'alnahal (28.6%) localities (Table 1).
Therefore it is important for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment a comprehensive clinical history and microscopical and complementary studies.
Microscopical examination showed classical features of Giant cell tumour of bone with round or oval mononuclear cells interspersed with many multinucleated osteoclastic type of giant cells.
Sarcocystis infection in cattle at Assiut abattoir: microscopical and serological studies.
* A normocellular microscopical appearance, with no plasma cell dyscrasia, was displayed on the bone marrow aspirate.