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Synonyms for manifold

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for manifold

a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes

a lightweight paper used with carbon paper to make multiple copies

Related Words

a set of points such as those of a closed surface or an analogue in three or more dimensions

make multiple copies of

Related Words

combine or increase by multiplication

many and varied


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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The automotive exhaust manifold market analysis considers sales generated from the adoption of the automotive exhaust manifold in both commercial and passenger vehicles.
This reduces power since there's less air available for combustion, reflected by a lower manifold pressure reading.
The intake manifold is claimed to be the largest 3D-printed part in any functional vehicle.
A (2n +1)-dimensional differential manifold [M.sup.2n+1] is called a contact manifold if it carries a global differentiable1-form [eta] such that [eta][LAMBDA][(d[eta]).sup.n] [not equal to] 0 everywhere on [M.sup.2n+1].
In our model, there is a 14-dimensional manifold which can be divided into smaller parts.
[1] have discussed the importance of the geometry of the header and how it affects the efficiency of the exhaust manifold. They considered headers with varying cross sections for different Re values and found that a Tapered longitudinal header performed better than the conventional cross sectional header.
The other way of getting the reduced data in the low dimensional manifold is possible through the intrinsic low dimensional manifold.
Given a smooth Riemannian manifold ([M.sup.n], [g.sub.0]), the evolution of the metric [g.sub.0] in time t to g = g(t) through the following equation
4 -- DJI has announced the launch of DJI Manifold, a high-performance computer for drones.
In the higher dimensional case, the Frankel conjecture claims that a compact Kahler manifold with positive bisectional curvature is the projective space.
Martin Shutler, BEng (Hons) Engineering, Bournemouth University, won his award for a design review of a gas manifold used within a specific industrial application.
Staubli has introduced a temperature control manifold for injection moulding applications in the plastics sector, which it says simplifies mould connections and brings added flexibility to temperature control circuits.
And that's why you mechanics need to remember the clamp when servicing the five hydraulic lines mounted directly across from the engine's exhaust manifold.
According to the concepts of topological manifold and differentiable manifold and based on the discontinuous dynamics of DDA block systems, the numerical manifold method (NMM) adopts the finite cover technique to set up a unified calculation form for the finite element method, the DDA, and the analytical method [1].