machine gun

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References in classic literature ?
Yes, it was the machine-gun. We would hear it distinctly for at least a minute.
This process of overlapping machine-gun fire was particularly successful because it meant that if an individual machine gun was knocked out of action, the weapons to the right and left of it could still cover all of the space between the trenches.
Near Tal Afar, one airstrike struck an ISIL heavy machine-gun firing position, it said.
A statement by the command of operations said today that "our security forces in the Baghdad Operations Command and under the direct and field supervision by the commander of Baghdad operations, were able during the 24 hours of killing (26) terrorists and the destruction of (5) vehicles carrying machine guns and other one carrying terrorists and killed those in them, and the destruction of a bulldozer and killed the preparation of detachment of a machine-gun and the destruction of munitions stack./ End
Pershing following World War I as "typifying the spirit of the rank and file of our great army" through his series of single-handed attacks on German machine-gun nests near Cunel as well as other meritorious deeds.
With the members of his patrol still pinned down by the three enemy machine-gun positions, he exposed his own position in order to draw fire away from his patrol, which enabled them to bring fire to bear against the enemy.
Gurkha rifleman Nabin Rai, 23, who is being put forward for a bravery medal, was hit in the eye as he fired his machine-gun at insurgents who were trying to overrun his base.
During insertion, their helicopter came under heavy machine-gun fire and was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, causing a Navy SEAL team member to fall from the aircraft.
10.45: Machine-gun fire destroys surrounding walls in preparation for another attack.
TROOPS came under machine-gun fire on Bloody Sunday, a soldier claimed yesterday.