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Synonyms for look






look after something or someone

look back on something


look down on or upon someone


look forward to something


look into something

look like something


look on or upon something or someone

look out for something


  • be careful of
  • beware
  • watch out for
  • pay attention to
  • be wary of
  • be alert to
  • be vigilant about
  • keep an eye out for
  • be on guard for
  • keep your eyes open for
  • keep your eyes peeled for
  • keep your eyes skinned for
  • be on the qui vive for

look over something


look someone up


look something up

look to something


look to something or someone


look up to someone


Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for look

to direct the eyes on an object

to try to find something

to have the appearance of

look after: to have the care and supervision of

look for: to look forward to confidently

look in: to go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize

look into: to go into or through for the purpose of making discoveries or acquiring information

look on: to have the face or front turned in a specific direction


look out: to be careful

look over: to view broadly or from a height

look up: to go to or seek out the company of in order to socialize

an act of directing the eyes on an object

a disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood

the way something or someone looks

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for look

the feelings expressed on a person's face

physical appearance

the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people

have a certain outward or facial expression

Related Words

be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point


Related Words

take charge of or deal with

convey by one's expression

Related Words

look forward to the probable occurrence of

accord in appearance with

have faith or confidence in

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Never mind, Kitty, we'll go and see the bonfire to-morrow.' Here Alice wound two or three turns of the worsted round the kitten's neck, just to see how it would look: this led to a scramble, in which the ball rolled down upon the floor, and yards and yards of it got unwound again.
'Look here!' she said, striking the scar again, with a relentless hand.
Such a sallow-faced girl: if she put on a bit of pink ribbon, she looked as yellow as a crow-flower and her hair was as straight as a hank of cotton." And always when Adam stayed away for several weeks from the Hall Farm, and otherwise made some show of resistance to his passion as a foolish one, Hetty took care to entice him back into the net by little airs of meekness and timidity, as if she were in trouble at his neglect.
With mingled feelings of annoyance at never being able to get away from acquaintances anywhere, and longing to find some sort of diversion from the monotony of his life, Vronsky looked once more at the gentleman, who had retreated and stood still again, and at the same moment a light came into the eyes of both.
Dickon looked across the grass at the tree and Mary looked and there was a brief moment of stillness.
He drew a little nearer, and looked more like his old self as he said that, and the fear that sometimes weighed on Amy's heart was lightened, for the look, the act, the brotherly `my dear', seemed to assure her that if any trouble did come, she would not be alone in a strange land.
With the look of one just awakened, he followed Riderhood into the Lock-house, where the latter produced from a cupboard some cold salt beef and half a loaf, some gin in a bottle, and some water in a jug.
The farmer slowly felt my legs, which were much swelled and strained; then he looked at my mouth.
Let him have something to eat, and let him roam and look about him while he eats.
Seven flung down his brush, and had just begun `Well, of all the unjust things--' when his eye chanced to fall upon Alice, as she stood watching them, and he checked himself suddenly: the others looked round also, and all of them bowed low.
The sufferer told him the whole circumstance, and says, 'Now yonder's the hole, and if you don't believe me, go and look for yourself.' So this fellow went and looked, and comes back and says, "How many did you say you put in there?' 'Not any less than two tons,' says the sufferer.
Me and Tom struck out for the woods mighty solemn, and saying how different it was now to what it was last summer when we was here and everything was so peaceful and happy and everybody thought so much of Uncle Silas, and he was so cheerful and simple-hearted and pudd'n-headed and good--and now look at him.
Another dime was to be added to her small store of savings; and five cents was to be squandered for licorice drops--the kind that made your cheek look like the toothache, and last as long.
She forced him to look once more at the top of the boat-house.
'Here's blessing you, ma'am, as a good lady, and you, sir, as a good gentleman, and Barbara, my love to you, and here's towards you, Mr Christopher;' and wasn't she as long drinking it as if it had been a tumblerful; and didn't she look genteel, standing there with her gloves on; and wasn't there plenty of laughing and talking among them as they reviewed all these things upon the top of the coach, and didn't they pity the people who hadn't got a holiday!