logarithmic scale

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scale on which actual distances from the origin are proportional to the logarithms of the corresponding scale numbers

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The number of classes selected for the logarithmic scale constructed in this study is within the ranges that other researchers have considered suitable and is in concordance with most of the diagrammatic logarithmic scales which are in the range of five to eight classes (BOITO et al., 2013).
The resistivity values are mapped on a logarithmic scale. In Figure 11(a), the water layer (light blue) and the topography (light brown) are shown, using the volume rendered plot mode.
Examples of regression of Ac as EDP are separately illustrated in Figure 5 versus [S.sub.a]([T.sub.1]) and PGD as scalar IMs in logarithmic scale. Also shown are the normal distribution fits of the cloud data points in the logarithmic scale.
Earthquakes are measured by the BGS using more than 100 seismograph stations across the UK, using the Richter scale from 0-10 - it's a logarithmic scale so going up a whole number means a quake has 31.6 times more energy.
Because sound is measured on a logarithmic scale, when two sources of sound, each measuring 70 dBA, are added together, the resulting sound level is not 140 dBA but 73 dBA.
The efficiency fitting for the Marinelli beaker geometry was performed at the logarithmic scale in Figure 3 a.
The density of states function g(v), built in double logarithmic scale, on a portion of the spectrum will be a straight line with the slope equaling [alpha].
The graph below is shown on logarithmic scale with the vertical (y) axis having a maximum value of 200 and a minimum of 100.
Here is a look at just a few of the biggest features and API changes in this month's release, Support of Fast Extraction of Plain Text from flow-format Documents, Support of Axis Logarithmic Scale, Introduced PageSavingCallback for all fixed-page Save Formats, introduced Paragraph.IsFormatRevision and Inline.IsFormatRevision Properties, introduced Shape.Title Property to Get-Set Alt Text Title Property of Shape and improved Font substitution.
Figure 6 shows the absolute errors (in logarithmic scale) of approximations with m = 10 iterations and N = 10,25,50,100.