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Synonyms for liquifiable

capable of being liquefied


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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Illegal income tends to be consumed in untraceable services, blown on entertainment that promotes prestige among peers, or used for high-profile (readily liquifiable) items like jewelry.
In general, the more liquifiable assets are (e.g., real estate more than industrial machinery), the greater the likelihood of success.
Presumably the AMCs' main task will be to salvage valuable assets of the SOEs and sell them off as quickly as possible to strategic investors that can put in place qualified managers, which raises once more the question of how readily liquifiable those assets are.
But this milestone could only be achieved after the project's engineers successfully overcome a significant barrier: 50 ft of liquifiable soil that could become quicksand during an earthquake.