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Synonyms for liquidate

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for liquidate

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for liquidate

get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing

eliminate by paying off (debts)

convert into cash

Related Words

settle the affairs of by determining the debts and applying the assets to pay them off

Related Words

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
On Monday, the COA has required the poll body to immediately liquidate its cash advances amounting to over PHP1.6 billion.
In its recommendations, the audit body told the CHEd to immediately send demand letters to the defaulting SUCs, requiring them to immediately liquidate the funds, so the CHEd central office could liquidate the DAP funds.
Further, if your son does not liquidate the company before his departure, he could give power of attorney to any person to liquidate the company in his absence.
M2 EQUITYBITES-December 20, 2018--Ukraine liquidates VTB Bank
Meanwhile, Section 5.1.3 of the Commission on Audit Circular 97-002 requires that for official local travel, the accountable officer shall liquidate his cash advance within 30 days after return to his permanent station.
Stocks with poor past returns (low liquidate stocks) outperformed those with relatively well past performance (high liquidate stocks).
The decision to cancel the liquidation of a company may be adopted by the General Meeting which adopted the decision to liquidate the company or by court.
Northfield announced its plan to liquidate last month, citing difficulty in raising money to conduct further clinical development and trials for a reformulated version of the PolyHeme human red cell substitute.
Egypt's fixed-line monopoly Telecom Egypt ETEL.Ca said on Thursday it had agreed with Egypt's Orascom Telecom ORTE.CA to liquidate their joint venture in Algeria.a "We have decided to exit the Algerian market and direct our resources to other promising opportunities," the statement said.
He continued a temporary ban on such suits, telling the funds they could liquidate or reorganize in the US, winning an automatic ban on such suits.
Plans recovered from Allende's office and residence showed that he and his political henchmen intended to arrest and liquidate thousands of Chilean opponents.
In Mexico and Argentina, by comparison, it takes two years to liquidate a failed firm.
ORLANDO, Fla.-Lentek International Inc., which has been operating under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection for more than a year, faced a court hearing last week to further its plan to liquidate. Judge Joseph D.
Fast Retailing Co., the operator of Uniqlo casual clothing stores, said Monday it will liquidate its money-losing wholly owned subsidiary selling vegetables and other food items around June.