library catalog

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nounan enumeration of all the resources of a library

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Accessing the accompanying Web site, which were retrieved from the reviewed library catalogs will provide interesting examples of their use in the electronic medium.
The course also addresses practical matters, such as an advanced session on the library catalog, in-depth use and analysis of the article databases, and detailed active learning regarding finding materials, whether they are in print, available electronically or outside the library system.
The discussion of the local level covers: (1) an overview of obtaining information from authors and specific authority control activities performed by librarians; (2) principles, including the library catalog and authority control, uniqueness and standardization, and quality searching; (3) standards and guidelines; and (4) other verifying sources.
Listings for some 6,000 new books and a new section on web resources are featured in the 16th edition of Wilson's Senior high school library catalog, the long-time reference standard for collection development, readers' advisory and curriculum support.
The goals of this component are to ensure that students knew how to properly read citations, use the UCLA Library catalog to find known items in a bibliography, and learn certain clues in the citations for preliminary evaluation of sources.
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