leaf lard

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Synonyms for leaf lard

fat lining the abdomen and kidneys in hogs which is used to make lard


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References in periodicals archive ?
We then each got our middle and started by removing the kidney and then the leaf lard. Then, following the seam of the ribs, we removed the tenderloin.
Lard is made from the fat of the pig, the leaf lard from the belly fat or the trimmings from the chops and roasts.
Now we make northern-style flour tortillas with leaf lard. I'd rather have a great flour tortilla than a reheated out-sourced corn tortilla.
Menu features Grilled Stone Fruits With Un-Smoked Bacon; Charcuterie Plate; Pork Liver Pat and Rillettes; Smoked Ham and Prosciutto; Tomato Jam, Summer Pickles, Spicy Mustard and Leaf Lard Cracker; Summer Vegetable Tian, Olive Vinaigrette and Herb Salad; Fresh White Sweet Corn Polenta and Spicy Tomato-Braised Pork Jowl; Grilled Coppa Steak, Summer Bean Succotash and Salsa Verde; and Figs Roasted With Honey Caramel, Fresh Ricotta and Hazelnuts.
Sometimes they would be overlooked for days, till all bur the bones of them had gone out into the world as Anderson's Pure Leaf Lard!"