leading tone

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Synonyms for leading tone

(music) the seventh note of the diatonic scale

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References in periodicals archive ?
3, beat 2, the seventh in the supertonic chord is scale-degree 1, which resolves down by step to the leading tone in the dominant harmony.
--1995b: "Leading Tones and Downstep in English." Phonology 12: 183-234.
Both this song and the next, "Your Milkin' Days Are Over," have a modal sound as a result of the omission of leading tones and other accidentals, and this unfamiliar sonority is useful for developing the musicianship of young singers.
1 (based on the leading tone, tonic and third degrees of the minor mode) is used several times in the Op.
As this new diatonic scale now contains C20 semitone scale steps, I thought it reasonable to assume that the base tone of the "diminished triad" (at the top of the connected shape in the above diagram) would act as a leading tone onto the tonic.
Closer inspection reveals that Stravinsky merely re-spells the leading tone in the dominant chord of D minor as D[b flat] rather than C# (quashing a false relation!), so that, barring idiosyncratic suspension counterpoint, a functional modulation results.
It does lack a leading tone - this should not be terribly important when the whole tone is only 120[cents] wide.
Leading tone: That whistle you hear just before the construction worker gets slapped for being fresh.
45, borders on silliness: "A second subject enters, slightly slower than the first, in free fantasy, full of Sturm and Drang with fierce pedal point on the trilled leading tone" (p.
The absence of a leading tone in most tropoi results in the demotion of the fifth chord to a secondary chord, with other chords now assuming a "dominant" role.
1-2, totally subverting the directional force of the leading tone. The f[natural][prime]/f[sharp][prime] clash is further reiterated in the chord F[sharp]-d-a-f[natural][prime] on the second beat of m.
1, the leading tone, has no immediate resolution to f sharp [prime], thus creating an "unrest" or "imbalance" in the voice-leading structure.
212), which Banfield finds demonstrated in Sondheim's gradual employment of the leading tone, "the most obviously Western feature of the music" and consequently "the most fundamental symbol of imposed westernization to be found in the Pacific Overtures music" (p.
One might claim against this that a stimulus such as a slightly sharp leading tone can only have this effect through its relationship to an item in a schema, in this case the key schema with its standardly positioned leading tone.
Leading Tones: Reflections on Music, Musicians, and the Music Industry