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Synonyms for lamenting

adjvocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression

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References in periodicals archive ?
Cu Chulainn's performance of lament effects, citing Sponsler, the "removal of the body from a system that would treat it literally as a commodity to be bought and sold." (35) In other words, a defeated corpse, mercenary flesh that was sent by the king and queen of Connacht for slaughter by Cu Chulainn's hand, is remade into Fer Diad the great warrior, a beloved and exceptional human being, through the lamenting words of his very executioner.
Kirugu three and four depict the patron goddess of Ur--Ningal lamenting to her husband and patron god of Ur--Nanna.
Lamenting that is a work of the Spirit fosters compassion, whereby lamenters become "kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you" (Eph 4:32).
The National Obesity Forum (is their motto: A funny thing happened to me on the way to the Forum - I cleared out Burger King?) weighed in to this publicity stunt lamenting the "horrendous state so many men are now in as a result of not eating healthily".
This essay appeals for vigilance against the barrier erected by hegemonic doxology and for a recovery of lament in worship whereby lamenting people might receive a new welcome in the company of God and the godly without having to check their lament at the gate or acquiesce to an idolatrous demand for praise.
From the lamenting women to the visitation of the dead, Richard III suggests a very medieval continuity between the living and the dead.
It was then that the words spoken through Prophet Jeremiah were fulfilled: 'A voice was heard in Ramah sobbing and loudly lamenting. It was Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted because they were no more.'
Award-winning playwright, novelist and poet Shange (for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf, Sassafras, Cypress & Indigo: A Novel) and ubiquitous tenor sax legend David Murray (World Saxophone Quartet) revisit their collaborations and friendship of the past 30 years in poems covering everything from lamenting meditations on love ("These Kisses Are Fine") to a whirlwind musical blood memorization ("Third Generation Geechee Myth For John Purcell") that capture the energy of their recent live performances.
--Mary Beth Martina, lamenting the possibility that Bishop Thomas Rodi of Biloxi may close her child's Hurricane Katrina-ravaged school (Chicago Tribune, Jan.
From the viewpoint of ritual lament, the sisters' continual lamenting would have been efficacious, for their voices would have assisted the soul's journey, while providing cathartic relief for the community.
I might as well have been lamenting the loss of supply chain infrastructure for leather suitable in the production of buggy whips.
Many dinners were spent lamenting on his various acts of big-headedness.
MacMillan will conduct two performances of Lamenting with Ariadne, which it commissioned from MacMillan's fellow Scot Thea Musgrave three years ago.
With the answer "Yes!" the group affirms the her life struggle and the situation the lamenting woman is in now.