lambda particle

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Related to lambda particle: strange particles, Xi particle
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nounan electrically neutral baryon with isotopic spin 1

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References in periodicals archive ?
This paper develops a quark-antiquark annihilation and pair production model to explain the formation of leptons and the oscillation of neutrinos and further predict the fourth generation of leptons named as lambda particle and neutrino.
If the flavor is also changed, the annihilation and interaction with nucleons will produce the tau particles and neutrinos as shown in Figure 6 or lambda particles and neutrinos as shown in Figure 3.
Moreover, with a means for essentially mass-producing two-lambda nuclei, experimenters now look forward to determining whether lambda particles repel or attract each other--interactions not measurable before.
Lambda particles are "strange" because they incorporate so-called strange quarks (SN: 3/4/89, p.
One such item being sought by the analysis at LBL is production of pairs of lambda particles. In the streamer chamber pictures, the indication of lambda particles is a "vee,' a vertex from which two tracks curve away in opposite directions.