knottiest white-collar criminal case in recent memory should finally go to trial next month, but only half of the original defendants will face the jury.
Immigration is among the
knottiest of challenges, and there is a real risk that welcoming some children creates an incentive that results in other children endangering their lives by undertaking a perilous journey north.
Some of the
knottiest of those challenges center on incorporating SSL and lighting control technologies into the existing lighting infrastructure.
Because Charlie remains one of the
knottiest and most misunderstood of outlets, Artforum asked renowned French art historian YVE-ALAIN BOIS to reflect on the publication's unstinting critical eye--its relentless interrogation of any and all figures of authority, its singular advancement of comics as an artistic and literary genre, and its implacable challenge to the silencing and censure that ceaselessly threaten our freedom.
They have sought to rethink some of the
knottiest passages in wholly new ways, based in part on their analysis of the structure of the charter, and when their work is complete it may throw new light on some of these.
None of today's
knottiest business challenges throughout the vast and cumbersome mortgage industry would be remotely solvable without technology.
McNally's plays give the sense of both taking place now and circling today like a beam searching for answers to some of life's
knottiest problems.
Having understood the failure to modernize their country and its severe repercussions on their ancestors, Ethiopians are today financing the GERD, reiterating the late Prime Minister's remark: "we not only have a plan, but we also have the capacity to assert our rights." They are also committed to end one of the
knottiest ironies of the world, as the Wall Street Journal put, "the land that feeds the Nile is unable to feed itself." What Egypt needs to do is to reinvent its foreign policy direction towards the Nile abandoning its interest to preserve the needs of the old state institutions implanted by British and Ottoman rule.
They agreed that the Snowden story illustrates some of the
knottiest issues with which newspapers grapple: possible prosecution under the Espionage Act and concerns about compromising national security.
Obama with one of the
knottiest foreign-policy problems of his presidency.
Whenever competitive forces gain ascendancy over inertia, technology and product development get closer to the "bleeding edges." That is where engineers encounter the
knottiest challenges bound up with the biggest opportunities.
Those six lines are merely the
knottiest part of a strange text.