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Synonyms for knavery

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for knavery

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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He simply thinks that, in a world gone mad, in which men are forced to choose between foolishness and knavery, it is better to be a foolish loyalist than a knavish opportunist.
To see this in the round, it is helpful to recall Waldron's skepticism of the latest deployment of a kind of knavery principle in popular writing about questions of institutional design.
They are a melange of the old and obscure and I shall attempt with considered concinnity to give them an airing for the edification of philistines who may be obambulating through subtopia and beyond, and hope this will not be considered knavery or the act of a rapscallion or dismissed as simple flapdoodle but accepted as an exercise by an honest opsimath.
It wasn't slavery, That stale red-herring of Yankee knavery Nor even states-rights, at least not solely, But something so dim that it must be holy.
The work is a mixture of burlesque and mock-history (Jonathan Wild, a real criminal hanged in 1725, was the symbol of political knavery and in political journalism his name had become synonymous with Walpole); the mock seriousness of the historian playing on the contrast between goodness and greatness so that he can close his account with this remark:
Contemporary of Hazlitt, an 1820 printing of an extract from Lazarillo in The Retrospective Review emphasizes Lazarillo's differences from Guzman by saying: "In short, Lazarillo is not a professed or finished sharper, but is more of a victim of the knavery of others, than a knave himself." (44) Such comments seem to indicate that readers did not see Lazarillo as a text that emphasized the protagonist's triumph over the events that he narrates.
145, 166 (1876) (stating that polygamy leads to despotism); Francis Lieber, The Mormons: Shall Utah Be Admitted Into the Union?, 5 Putnam's Monthly 225, 233 (1855) (according to Lieber's opinion, Mormon theology was characterized by 'vulgarity,' 'cheating,' 'jugglery,' 'knavery,' 'foulness,' and as bearing 'poisonous fruits.').
KNAVERY can star in Ling-field's Paul Kelleway Memorial Classified Stakes, despite disappointing when only third at Doncaster on his most recent outing.
Knavery can star in lingfield''s Paul Kelleway Memorial Classified stakes, DESPITE DISAPPOINTING when only third at Doncaster on his most recent outing.
Knavery can star in Lingfield's Paul Kelleway Memorial Classi-fied Stakes, despite disappointing when only third at Doncaster on his most recent outing.
George Mason of Virginia expressed his "mortal hatred of paper money," which, he declared, is "founded upon fraud and knavery." James Wilson of Pennsylvania said banning paper money would have "a most salutary influence on the credit of the United Sates," while John Langdon of New Hampshire declared he would rather see the proposed Constitution defeated than to grant government the power to issue paper money.
Indeed, the sport becomes so troubling that even Sir Toby expresses a wish that "we were well rid of this knavery" (4.2.60-61).
This is, to be sure, a tongue-in-cheek feature deliberately injected into the film's plot for purposes of creating an ironic foil to Marco's choice of knavery.